Henry David Thoreau once wrote that most men “lead lives of quiet desperation”. Hidden from their partners, parents, friends, and children is often a tangle of suffering.  

Sometimes this is more evident in the visible sense of immobilization, depression, anxiety, or chronic frustration. Sometimes it is invisible, hidden under an outer surface of success, recognition, and talent. 


Visible or not, this suffering can often take an immense toll on a man’s life – especially when what once delivered achievement and forward momentum seems to abandon him or simply no longer work. Where bright futures can become bitter, and the smooth road changes to a jagged passage. The toll can ripple through a man’s relationships, family, career, and then eventually into his soul, mind, and body.

If you find yourself mired in the complexity and quiet desperation of being or becoming a man amidst the confusion and change demanded by the world, if the compass that once worked no longer points to your true north, please know there is help available.
