Midlife brings shows up in different ways for different people, but it is most often a true in-between,

suspended between the beginning and the end, and powerful inflection point in our lives. 


For many, at the pinnacles of their professional career, economic earning potential, or creative lives, it can feel like a grey wasteland, a call to the next chapter, or a re-engagement with talents and interests were abandoned earlier in life. For some, it is celebratory. For others, profoundly disruptive. For almost all, though, it is a moment of transition. Sometimes through sudden change, sometimes though sudden stuckness.

Despite all the availability of thinking, books, podcasts, and workshops on this most important of places in the life cycle, it often is walked in silence, secrecy, or desperation. And going through it alone can often amplify the confusion. I specialize in helping those in-between, at the crossroads.

We can experience this inflection point as a second adolescence, an encounter with our own mortality or those of our friends, families, and loved ones, or a reversal of our old ways, values, and interests.  
